Personalizate în funcție de nevoile fiecărei companii și specificul contextului de lucru, cursurile corporate asigură o comunicare mai eficientă la locul de muncă. Cursurile de Business English, Business German și Business French organizate de centrul de limbi străine Lektor reprezintă cu siguranță un plus pentru angajații fiecărei companii, deoarece perfecționarea unei limbi de circulație internațională reprezintă un avantaj comunicațional. Astfel, membrii echipei vor fi mai productivi, mai motivați și mai implicați în activitățile care presupun interacțiunea directă într-o limbă străină cu partenerii, clienții sau colegii de proiect.
Am dezvoltat o serie de workshop-uri intensive care să răspundă unor nevoi punctuale de training, cum ar fi: prezentări, email writing, meetings sau video-/ tele-conferencing sau topicuri bespoke. Personalizate în baza unei analize atente a nevoilor de instruire, workshop-urile sunt intensive și au loc într-un format informativ, prin activități practice și interactive. Combină noțiuni de soft- și hard-skills și au rezultate pe termen lung. La cerere, se pot organiza ședințe de follow-up la intervale stabilite de comun acord pentru măsurarea rezultatelor.
Workshop-urile sunt disponibile pentru limbile engleză și germană.
Modalitatea de livrare online a fost asemănătoare cu cea față în față. Toată lumea a avut
posibilitatea să participe, să-și exprime opinia, să facă toate activitățile pe care le-ar fi făcut
și într-o clasa reală.
Anonim, General English B2
Very good learning experience with various methods for learning and practicing.
Veronica, General
French B2
I have already filled in the feedback form, but I wanted to personally thank you for everything
that you have thought us! It was a great course, I had a lot of fun while learning many things,
and I would always come to class with a smile on my face. All of us could see that you are a
passionate teacher (intrinsically motivated 🙂 ) and that you really care that we leave the
class knowing more than when we first joined.
Sabina, International English B2+
Puncte tari: abordarea diferitor teme nu doar cele din manual, încurajarea pentru exprimarea
propriei opinii și argumentarea ei și utilizarea uneori a jocurilor cu diferite topicuri. Ținând
cont că este dimineața de 07.30 am , mă bucur că profesoara înțelege unele glume și este
Anonim, General English B1+
Inițial, am fost un pic sceptic și dezamăgit când am aflat că acesta se vă desfășura online,
însă metoda s-a dovedit a fi cât de poate de apropiată de întâlnirea fizică.
Anonim, General
German A2
I have to say that even though the course during the worst possible period for me so far (I
have received a project to lead & coordinate), the level of interestingness was way beyond
what I expected. And you know how they say, there's always time for what you like. 😀 And
yeah, thanks again, had a lot of fun and, who knows, maybe see each other next time!
Iuliu, International English B2+
I can feel my progress as well. I love English but I don't practice it as much as I should. So this
course helped me with that. I still consider writing to be my weak point. I found the writing
exercises very demanding but they helped me get out of my comfort zone and I think that's a
good thing. I really appreciate that this course was about more than English and I was able to
learn a lot of new things.
Tudor, Business English B2+
I also wanted to thank you for the enormous involvement you had in teaching us. As I
mentioned in the feedback, I enjoyed our classes, our discussions and most of all I had fun
Andrei C., International English B2+
Then, I must thank you for the useful recommendations that you shared with me , and I assure you that I will take advantage of the links you sent me. It was more than time well spent. It was an oasis in the middle of the busy schedule, and something that I was very much looking forward to every week. Now I’m kind of sad that it is over…
Corina, curs engleză Business General nivel B2
Thank you for all your efforts in running this course. It has been a real pleasure for me working with you, since you are a very well prepared teacher. You have had very good lesson plans, you have created a positive learning environment and you have increased our pleasure in reading books. I have discovered my knowledge limits, but this is the best part, because I now know what I have to improve and how to do it.
Cosmin, curs Business English nivel B2+
In the mornings I see that me and my colleagues are a bit sleepy and we lack enthusiasm, but you kept your enthusiasm high and engaged us. You are coming up with interesting subjects, that sometimes are thought provoking (like bucket list) and you are keeping our interest high with various games (like betting game).Also I really love when you engage me and my colleagues in a discussion and at the end you write on the whiteboard the most interesting mistakes, and then we discuss about them and you argument what is it the correct form.
Alin, curs Business English B2
I will never forget all the fun activities you included in your class to enhance our learning. I especially enjoyed how you always related the lessons to fun team activities, the dynamic way you delivered lessons and encouraged participation. It made it so much easier to learn and recall the material (grammar and vocabulary) when being tested.
Adriana, curs Business English nivel B2+
Also, a big "Thank you" for getting me back on reading books. Haven't read a good book for a long time. Now, with the English class I'm back at 1-2 books a week.
Alex, curs engleză Business Communication nivel B1-B2
Cursurile alături de trainerii centrului Lektor au fost deosebite, foarte bine structurate, fiind orientate exact pe nevoile și dorințele noastre. Trainerii sunt adevărați profesioniști, tot timpul cu zâmbetul pe buze raspunzandu-ți cu calm și cu profesionalism chiar și la cele mai banale întrebări. În concluzie, îi recomand cu plăcere.
Carmen, curs engleză nivel B1+
Last but not the least, you are the best teacher I ever had. And will tell you why - no good feedback without reasons - first of all, the happiness with which you treated us every day. You are very passionate about what you are doing. I know very few people to be happy about what they are doing and to show it, and you are one of them. Beside how you are as a person and as a teacher, the classes were very well structured and the chosen subjects helped us to discuss like friends, but while learning new stuff . The think I liked the most is that each person actively participate to our class.
Ioan, curs Business English nivel B2
I want to thank you for the way you have organized the course. It is the best course that I have attended. It was both dynamic and technical, which is so difficult to obtain as an organizer.I also liked very much the fact that you know so many things about the business area. I have enjoyed the discussions about stocks, financial markets, etc.
Ana Maria, curs Business English nivel B2+