Lektor Riddle 31 March 2022
The correct answer is: ubiquitous /juˈbɪkwətəs/ adj: present, or seeming to be present, everywhere at the same time; omnipresent. Source:www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary
Lektor Riddle 24 March 2022
The correct answer is: vivacious /vɪˈveɪʃəs/ adj : lively and attractive a vivacious and charming lady a vivacious personality Source: www.macmillandictionary.com
Lektor Riddle 17 March 2022
The answer is: cauldron. Cauldron(noun) pl. cauldrons, a large round metal container used for cooking over a fire In stories, cauldrons are traditionally used by witches to mix things together for their magic spells. Source:www.macmillandictionary.com
Weekly Challenge 16 March 2022
The correct answer is: D have I heard such. Source: Macmillan Destination Advanced.
Lektor Riddle 10 March 2022
The correct answer is: CULPRIT: someone who is responsible for doing something bad or illegal Police have so far failed to find the culprits. Source:www.macmillandictionary.com
Weekly Challenge 9 March 2022
The correct answer is B: neither can I. Source: Macmillan Destination Advanced
Lektor Riddle 3 March 2022
The correct answer is: crammed (adj.) /kræmd/ : very full of people or things. The docks were crammed with/crammed full of people trying to board the boats. Source:dictionary.cambridge.org
Weekly Challenge 2 March 2022
The correct answer is D-Having been awarded.
Lektor Riddle -24 February 2022
The word is: Proclivity–a tendency to want to do a particular thing, especially something bad. She had a a proclivity to daydream. Source:www.collinsdictionary.com
Weekly Challenge 23.02.2022
The correct answer is C: whose. Whose is a relative pronoun that shows possession. In this case, the children belong to the people who came to the exhibition. Source: Macmillan Destination Advanced.